I've had wonderful weather and the first thing I had to do yesterday was mow the lawns as they looked like meadows. My friend has offered me a free strimmer, as I haven't got one, but I won't be able to pick it up until I am with him in the car, mid June, so instead I was on my hands and knees with a lawn edger trying to pull up some of the long grass and weed around the edge of all the beds. A quick trip to the garden centre for some compost and some manure and then I built up the compost around the potatoes and put some manure on the roses. Then I had a happy time examining all the activity in the garden: peas starting their long climb, apple tree thriving, fruit bushes full of healthy leaves, roses looking very happy, lupins beginning to grow flowers, onions growing well etc.
My neighbours have been putting up
Now I just bit my fingernails while I was thinking of plants (very bad habit), and got a distinct whiff of manure, so I'd better go and scrub my nails and finish up here.
Enjoy your weekend everyone.