I am a man in his early 40's who escaped the rat-race in London after living there for nearly 20 years, to take up residence of a small cottage in East Lancashire. I moved here at the beginning of 2012 and I am loving country living.
I am indulging my passion for gardening by transforming my gardens and recording the journey. So far I have added a greenhouse, a small veg patch, a corner shady seating area and new borders and pots. This blog follows my gardening journey.
My greenhouse is less that a year old and I am looking forward to getting much use out of it over the coming years.
I am also learning to cook and mainly cook all food from scratch, cook on a budget and use produce that I have grown myself (that's the plan anyhow). I am recording the successes of my culinary journey here.
I have been renovating my cottage and have recorded a lot of that. For the most part this is now finished and I am just enjoying living here now.
All of this on a small budget, whilst learning to live a slower and simpler life.
Professionally I have been an opera singer for the last 20 years and am also a singing and piano teacher in Rossendale, East Lancashire.