Monday, 4 March 2013

First flowers of the year.

Last year I made some bulb pots. The idea was to get a continuous supply of flowers from February right through to midsummer from one pot. I carefully worked out varieties to cover every season and so hopefully, seamlessly flower from one to the other. So far so good. We have had the snowdrops and have now moved into the second lot of flowers, iris. These little beauties seemingly open up in a matter of hours, one minute it will be a tight closed bud, and I will look a couple of hours later to have the whole flower revealed to me. They are so pretty.

Just one snowdrop left in that pot. The iris will be followed by (if memory serves correctly) narcissus and then there are some tulips and some alliums in there too. Truthfully, I can't fully remember everything I put in, but if it works and I end up with a continuous supply of flowers coming up, then I will be very happy and do something like this every year.

The narcissus around the base of the apple tree are all up and ready to burst forth with a stunning display soon.

And finally, my favourite clump of snowdrops, the true first flower of the year in my garden.

I love that you can put bulbs in months and months ago and almost forget about them, and then they suddenly all sprout up and say hello.


  1. Lovely. We are a ways from spring here in the Us but you've given me hope

  2. Snowdrops, my favourite.
    Love from Mum

  3. What a great idea, to use a large pot and succession plant! I'm going to try that, thanks for the idea! Yours are lovely!

    1. The tip is to put the largest bulbs at the bottom and work up to the smallest bulbs at the top, regardless of the order in which they flower. Apparently the larger ones will always find their way to the top, that's the theory anyway.

  4. What a lovely idea! One of those bulb pots would also make a great end of year present for someone.

  5. I never thought of doing that, it's a great idea. Thanks for sharing your flowers.

  6. Those irises are beautiful, the colour is just gorgeous.

  7. Thanks for the advice on the seeds. Will plant some tomorrow and give it a couple of weeks as advised. Keep you informed on the progress - or not- as the case may be.
